While Ranged (Heavy) can get sickeningly powerful compared to everything else in the system it takes up money and a lot of encumbrance to make that a dedicated path. You can always get closer for better accuracy and the damage on even a normal blaster pistol will actually do something even in experienced hands. I see your point, Dono, but I've never been unhappy running around with Ranged (Light). That may change as more career supplements get released, possibly for AoR's Soldier career or FaD's Warrior career. Of course, some fool that worked on Saga Edition completely flipped things and made martial artists stunningly broketastic, with GM Chris having a very notable case of a Togorian wrestler completely subduing a Colossal serpent thanks to the new series of feats said fool introduced.Ĭurrently, there's not very much in this system that would give a Brawl-focused PC a significant edge without going out of their way to acquire it. In a way, the current situation is similar to that in Saga Edition, where a purely martial arts character was sub-par compared to someone using a melee weapon, as it required a huge investment in both feats and talents. You see much the same disparity between Ranged (Light) and Ranged (Heavy) weapons, with the Ranged (Light) weapons typically doing less damage but being smaller and not as hard to acquire (lower Rarity) than their bigger, beefier cousins in the Ranged (Heavy) category. Melee as a combat skill is useless if you don't have the appropriate weapon, with the really potent ones being incredibly difficult (if nigh-impossible) to conceal. However, the trade-off is that most Brawl attacks can be done with just your bare hands, or with small items that are generally very easy to conceal. Yeah, running purely by the numbers Brawl attacks are inferior to Melee attacks. It makes me sad, because I'd really like to play a character who can hold her own in a fist fight.Īre we missing something about Brawl that makes it a skill on par with Melee? Are there certain tricks to getting a reasonable amount of damage? Who would you make a good martial artist character? Is their a Spec that can make unarmed good outside of the Doctor? Any thoughts and experiences would be appreciated. And the specializations/talents that help out an unarmed fighter almost invariably make Melee better at the same time.

We've had two characters who were going to use Brawl as their primary combat ability and ended up focusing more on Melee because it did the same thing only with more damage and more weapon qualities. At least, that's been my and my group's experiences. Is the Brawl skill useless? Brawl comes with a few built-in benefits to be sure (Can't be disarmed, can deal Strain damage) but for the most part Brawl weapons are inferior to Melee. This question may have already been addressed elsewhere, but I wasn't able to find a concrete topic on it.